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Shrubs And Trees

Q.How Should I Care For Shrub Cuttings After Rooting.

Zone Dunblane FK15 9RF | Anonymous added on September 17, 2021 | Answered

Hello, I have got about 40 cuttings of shrubs from my garden in pots (compost vermiculite mix) covered in plastic bags in a cold greenhouse. I ventilate them every couple of days and they look very healthy although no roots at visible at the base of the pot after 4 weeks. I am not sure how to proceed now 1. Should I wait until roots are visible before potting on in compost ? 2. Will they need a little fertiliser then ? 3. Should I over-winter them in the cold green house ? (central Scotland) 4. Should they be ready to plant out next Spring? I have bubbleia, potentilla, pieris, hebe and several hydrangea which I am especially keen to develop. Thank you for your help Eileen

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