Q.How Old Is This Lichen
I am trying to work out how old the lichen is in this manhole cover. I have uploaded some photos here:
https://picasaweb. google.com/dominicjjohnson/20110119#5691534754525267090
https://picasaweb. google.com/dominicjjohnson/20110119#5691534782205927986
Do you think that there is any chance that the grass and lichen/moss could be as little as 6 months old. Many thanks in advance for any opinions/advice you can offer.
Kind regards,
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Well, it is hard to say as I can't say exactly what kind of moss it is. But, moss typically likes cool but not cold conditions, shade, moisture and acidic growing surface. There are varieties that are different, but 9 out of 10 times, a variety of moss will like these conditions. Moss is unlikely to have grown in cold winter, but if where that moss is was grown gets only mild winters, it would be possible.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I am not certain how old the moss is, but it appears to be a small colony and could certainly be younger than 6 months. A colony like that, in the right conditions, could appear in as little as a month.
Many thanks for reply.
What would be considered the right conditions? I should have said but this photo was taken in January. Would the right conditions have been the summer?
Does moss grow in Winter?
Many thanks in advance