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Banyan Trees

Q.How often should I water a baby banyan tree?

Zone 15201 | Alohalora added on November 30, 2018 | Answered

I bought a baby banyan tree (indoors for now) and at first I watered it too much and it was dropping leaves, so I started watering it once a month. The leaves are still turning brown and it hasn’t grown at all in the 3 months I’ve had it. I’ve just been leaving it by a north facing window. Not a lot of direct sunlight hitting it, and it’s routinely overcast where I am in Pennsylvania. I’ve moved apartments since I’ve had it. Before it was in a SE facing window. The temp is 65-70F indoors. What am I doing wrong? Last I watered it I gave it some Miracle grow all purpose plant food. Should I not be doing that?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 30, 2018

Water throughly and then let the soil dry out in between waterings.
Soil should not be soggy; just slightly damp.
Make sure you use a good quality potting mix.


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