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Q.How Often Should I Use Triguna Fertiliser In My Garden?

Zone Bangalore | Tanvi added on January 28, 2023 | Answered

Hello everyone. I want to know how much and how often I should apply Triguna fertiliser to my garden to achieve the best results? Are there any specific instructions I should follow when using Triguna fertilisers? Are there any risks associated with over-fertilising?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 28, 2023

This is an organic fertilizer used to enhance depleted nutrients and contains mostly secondary macro nutrients: calcium, magnesium, sulfur and seaweed extracts. As for the dosage rate, I found this information on one link:


Scroll down in the web page and click on 'Dosage/Application' and on 'Recommended Crops'.

If you over apply, manually remove the excess by hand and water a lot to dilute the effect of the leftover fertilizer. As usual for all chemicals, wear gloves when handling it.


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