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Q.How often and how long should I water my roses. I have a drip system.

Zone 86326 | Anonymous added on April 21, 2020 | Answered

I water via the drip system 30 minutes every other day for 30 minutes. I have a lot of buds but the roses have brown on the petals.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 23, 2020

The brown spots on the leaves could be water and sunshine burns or perhaps some chemical burns from a spray of some kind that stayed on the foliage too long due to cloudy days.
Your watering timing may be okay, however I would take a moisture meter out and check the soil's moisture in several areas. If it shows that the soils are wet and it is about time to water again, I would
skip that next watering. Roses do like their water but do not like to be too wet. Excessively wet soils can lead to root rot and also makes it hard for oxygen to move down and around in the soils as needed.

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