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Q.How Much Water Is Needed to Grow Mushrooms at Home?

wildozflower added on June 14, 2011 | Answered

I bought a mushroom growing kit that has so far refused to yield the slightest sign of a mushroom. How much should the compost be watered, as the instructions only said to mist daily. The compost is covered in what looks like white candy floss. Do you think the compost is too wet? I would be grateful for your suggestions.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 17, 2011

It sounds like it has a fungus, just not the kind you are looking for. You may want to have a fan blow gently on the area. This will help keep unwanted fungus from growing on the surface of the compost.

Rather than misting, you may want to try dribbling. Just dribble a little water on the compost rather than misting. That way the water will penetrate a little deeper into the compost itself, rather than sitting just on the surface, which creates the right conditions for that fluffy fungus that is growing.

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