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Plumeria Plants

Q.how much phosphorous can safely be applied to second year plumeria plants

Zone 98822 | rogermickelson added on July 8, 2019 | Answered

My plants are in pots so they can be brought indoors during the winter. Each plant is about two feet tall showing good leaf color with about an inch of new growth this year. One plant did bloom last year but as of today no indication of any chance they will put on any inflows. Most books say 2-3 years before a rooted plant will bloom.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 10, 2019

The best fertilizer for plumeria trees is one that is high in phosphorous, such as 10-30-10. A granular formula is preferable to liquid.
Fertilize the plumeria every three months beginning in April and ending in August if you live in an area with frosts. Otherwise, continue to fertilize year-round.


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