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Succulent Plants

Q.How Much Light Is Needed To Propagate Leaf And Stem Cuttings?

Zone S0K 2T2 Saskatchewan zone 3-4 | Anonymous added on July 30, 2022 | Answered

I have not had much success growing succulents indoors as I do not have a place that is bright enough for them to grow. However, I managed to keep one small succulent alive but it ended up with a long stem and only a few leaves at the end. I decided I would like to see if I could propagate what was left of the plant. I bought a grow light and followed instructions on how to remove parts of the plant, let them dry out for a couple days and now have them in a dish of cactus/succulent soil. I’m just not sure how much light to give them. According to a lux meter on my phone the lamp is giving off around 30000 lumens. It is about 6-7 inches from the cuttings. Is this too much light? Should I move it further away from the lamp. Also how many hours of light is needed per day?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 10, 2022

Until they root, the cuttings should be in light shade and warmth, so you don't need the grow light till after they have rooted. When they are rooted and ready for more light, you can keep the light on for about 16 hours a day. Here is more:



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