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Container Tomato Plants

Q.treating blossom-end rot

Zone North Georgia | Dustytoes added on August 4, 2014 | Answered

How much fast acting lime should I add to tomatoes in a five gallon container to treat blossom-end rot?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 6, 2014

You can use lime to treat blossom end rot, but do you know why? The why is important, because if the tomato plants are healthy and have everything they need, blossom end rot doesn't develop in the first place. The lime changes the pH in the soil so that the plants can take up more calcium, and calcium deficiency is the main reason behind the disease. A big problem with using lime is that if you use too much, the plants will be damaged. The usual mixture is 1 cup lime powder / gallon water, which you use to water the plants, but the mixing and usage directions should be on the package. Here is an article that will help you improve the maintenance of your tomatoes: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/tomato-blossom-rot.htm

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