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Wax Myrtle Trees

Q.How Much Can I Prune Off My Wax Myrtle?

Cyndi added on March 25, 2011 | Answered

We recently moved into our house (we are in Houston, Tx) and we have overgrown and numerous dead spots in our Wax Myrtle bushes in our front yard. I am wondering if I can prune them way back to a height I want them? They are in shade. Or should I take them out and replace them?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 26, 2011

You can prune them back by about 1/3 per year without killing the plant. That being said, if they are very overgrown, you may find that the interior of the shrub is rather dead from lack of light. Because of this, when you prune them back by 1/3, they may not look very nice. It is worth going ahead and trying to prune them, but be prepared to find that it would look nicer if you just replaced them.

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