Q.How Many Years Before A Young Jacaranda Tree Becomes Frost Hardy? I Have Managed To Get Mine Through Three Frosty Winters With Pro
tection and will protect it this winter but it will be too big next year. I live in New Zealand and winter is approaching. We have a few frosts usually each winter. This will be its fourth winter. The first winter the frost got it and it regenerated from the base. The same happened the second winter, even though I protected it both times. Last winter it survived as a tree and has doubled in size over summer. However, because of the two regenerations it’s now a multi stem and I presume should be pruned to a single stem. I’ve read your description of how to do that. Do you think. I should do that this winter? Thank you for your help.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Jacaranda should be able to withstand temperatures to -7 degrees C. (20 F.), so I am surprised it is having winter issues. Was this tree grafted? If so, the regenerated tree won't be what you are expecting. If it was grown from a seed or a cutting it should be OK. It needs annual pruning to establish a strong branch structure or it will have weak limbs. Here is more information on how to prune it.