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Q.How Many Plants For Grasshopper Control In Blueberry Garden?

Zone 55336 | Anonymous added on April 12, 2023 | Answered

I live in Mid MN and have a blueberry garden (16’x30′) with 22 bushes of varies ages. Last year grasshoppers ate all the leaves off one bush. I have had bushes for 15 years and never had a problem. 1st) What particular plant would work best in MN to help keep the grasshoppers away? 2nd) Will the bees be affected by the plants that will keep the hoppers away? 3rd) New to my garden are the Japanese beetles. I have them in my raspberry patch which is 15 feet from the blueberries and sadly they found the blueberries too. What can I use to get rid of them? I thank you so so much for helpful hints. I appreciate your time.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 13, 2023
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