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Wheat Grass

Q.How Long Will Indoor Grass Live?

Anonymous added on December 2, 2010 | Answered

I tried to grow wheat grass indoors and I loved the look but it died in three weeks! How long should it last? I’m looking for a permanent plant (or at least something I only have to change once or twice a year, not every few weeks). I may have over watered since they’re in zinc troughs without drainage.

Can I make grass last? What’s the best kind? I alternate the troughs every couple of days between the top of a bookshelf (indirect light) and a kitchen window.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 3, 2010

It does sound like they may be overwatered and this is killing the plant. Make sure that the grass has plenty of drainage, maybe by drilling holes in the bottom of the troughs or by placing pebbles under the soil so that the water will not stay logged in the soil. The grass also needs lots of light. A bright window will help, but if you still see the grass not thriving, you can supplement light by using a lamp with a fluorescent bulb nearby.

So to answer your question as to how long indoor grass will last, it should last as long as most houseplants do if given the conditions it likes--several years in fact.

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