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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How Long for Lemons to Grow?

Zone Adelaide South Australia | Mrschew added on October 15, 2011 | Answered

I have a Eureka lemon tree that I recently bought potted in my yard. When I bought it a few weeks ago, I chose one with lots of flowers and buds. It is around 140 cm tall. There are LOTS of buds and flowers in different stages all over it and I have just noticed this morning that there are around 10 flowers where the petals have fallen and there are what appears to be tiny green lemons! The biggest one is around 1 cm (I am very excited having never grown anything before!). Anyway, I was wondering if these will really grow into proper lemons and how long they will take to grow?

Is there anything special I need to do now? The pot is fairly big, about 50 cm, and in a very sunny spot and I am watering it every other day. When will I get to pick a lemon to use?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 17, 2011

Yes, you can actually get lemons from the tree, even if you are growing indoors part of the year.

The trick to to make sure that the tree is getting enough water. The soil can never go dry. The fruit will be the first thing aborted by the plant if it feels it is not getting enough water. You may also want to give the tree a slow release fertilizer. This will ensure the tree has all the nutrients it needs as the fruit develops.

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