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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How Long Dose It Take to Grow Rue

Diaaraad added on November 8, 2012 | Answered

How long does it take to grow rue?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 9, 2012

We sow rue seeds in mid January to sell in 4 1/2" pots at May 1. The seed are put in a germinating mix and placed on bottom heat, kept barely moist and in bright light (greenhouse). When the seed have germinated (1-4 weeks), we remove from the heat bed and let them get 2 sets of "real" leaves before transplanting into small cells/pots, about 2-2 12". We use a commercial soilless mix. And when the roots have filled that container, we bump them into a 4 1/2" for sale. DO NOT keep rue moist, rue does not tolerate overwatering. Let the plants get a little dry before watering. Once established in the ground, they may not need additional water except in drought. A January seedling usually grows to appx. 12-15" by early July.

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