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Zone Central Texas | Anonymous added on March 23, 2016 | Answered

How long does it take a newly transplanted hollyhock to produce flowers? Have no dealings with hollyhock. Wife remembers as child. If eaten by horses, are they poisonous?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 24, 2016

Are you transplanting seedlings or a mature hollyhock? I am going to assume seedlings for now.

Hollyhocks usually flower the second year after they are planted since they are biennial. Some hollyhock varieties, however, bloom their first year if planted in early spring and take about 4 months to grow and mature. "Indian Summer", "Marjorette," and several "Spring Celebrities" varieties are considered first-year blooming varieties.

The ASPCA lists hollyhock as being non-poisonous to cats, dogs and horses.

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