Q.How long do I stop watering garlic before it cures?
I live in Southern California and planted 5 garlic cloves in a planter box in early Nov. and I think they’re getting ready to harvest. How long do I stop watering before I remove them from the soil, and then how long do they cure? Can I cure them outdoors under a patio umbrella in the shade or will it be too for that? Thanks!
Advice about when to stop watering differs, from not at all to several weeks before harvest. I have never tried to grow garlic in Southern California, so I can't offer personal advice, but I would think partly it would depend on how fast they're growing, and when you expect to harvest. This article has advice on harvesting: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/garlic/when-to-harvest-garlic.htm
The important thing about curing is to be protected from rain and sun, and to be airy, so use your own judgment.