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Pothos Plants

Q.How long do Golden Pothos live?

Zone Piney Flats, TN, although first received in San Jose, CA, then moved to Lakeport, CA. | Anonymous added on October 25, 2019 | Answered

I have a Golden Pothos that was given to me as a baby shower gift January of 1971. It was in a 2″ pot at that time. It is still doing fine although it is now in a 16″ pot. I was just curious as to how long a Pothos generally lives.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 26, 2019

Indoor plants can live indefinitely if they are not annuals, which only live one year. Some plants, like agave, only live till they produce flowers, then die.
Most houseplants can live decades or longer. Their lives are usually cut short by disease, insects or poor care. (Overwatering is the number one household plant killer.)

So keep taking good care of your pothos and it should live for many more years.

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