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Q.planting bare root roses

Zone 79549 | Srodriguez6890 added on April 9, 2015 | Answered

How long after planting bare root roses before they show new growth? I planted three about a week ago and still no new growth.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 12, 2015

I am not sure what your night time temps have been where you are. However, in my area until the night time temps maintain a consistent 48 degrees to in the 50's, the rose bush growth will be slow. We cannot see what is going on down in the root zone area but there is usually alot of work going on down there. The rosebush needs to get established with its root zone before it can start pushing forth the energy needed for top growth and flowering. Kind of like a business that sells products on the market. They have to get their manufacturing part of the business up and working well before they can put forth a product that will be readily available to those whom desire the product. I have found that if I place a Wall-O-Water unit around/over the bare root rosebushes after planting them I get a quicker start on things. I place the wall o water unit over the freshly planted bare root rosebush, filling each of the tubes with water then pinch it together at the top so that the unit looks similar to a tee pee. These act as little greenhouses for each bush helping to keep the heat in which warms the soils better and maintains it longer. Thus the rosebush responds to the warmer soils temps with quicker root development leading to quicker top side growth. If the bare root roses purchased were those that come in the plastic bags, the wall o water method is highly recommended. Many of those bushes have the root systems so badly hacked off that they take three times longer to get the root system going if at all. Many of those rosebushes just up and die as the root system is too badly cut back for them to get going again. Sad that they sell those as it makes folks think roses are hard to grow and frustrates the person having bought them thinking they did something wrong. When the truth is that the rosebush should have just been discarded and not sold but the marketers want the money so they sell them...

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