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Q.how far apart should I plant perennial red roses

Zone 7 | judomi added on April 28, 2012 | Answered

I received seeds form a red perennial rose bush from a friend. I started them indoors in January. The plants are about 12 inches tall. I had also started some of them last year, and they did well. . . bloomed the first year. I had planted them in two different locations in my yard. This year I would like to add one of the new plants in the same area as the one that I planted last year. How far apart should I plant them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 29, 2012

Thanks for the great question. Usually 20 to 24 inches apart is good. The amount that they will spread out dictates the distance apart as you want to maintain good airflow through the foliage, to prevent fungal diseases.

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