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Q.How Do You Treat Lawns With Mushrooms Appearing

Zone 14086 | Anonymous added on August 9, 2022 | Answered

We had a tree removed and after a period of time mushrooms started growing. I tried to grow grass and it seems impossible. What is the soil lacking?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 19, 2022

Those mushrooms are doing their best to repair that soil! Do not remove them, as they are removing the left overs of the tree, the disease that killed it, and the disease that is killing the grass. Removing the mushrooms will further the problem. Mulching the area can facilitate the process, giving the mushrooms more to work with so that they may remove the rest of the contamination in the area.

Should you still choose to eliminate them from your lawn, then this article will help:


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