Q.how do you regrow impatiens?
Is there a way to get impatiens to come back year after year? Something special I would need to do? They are planted outside in my flower bed.
Thank You,
Stephanie Cobb

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Impatiens are annuals in any location with frost, but you can regrow them from seed if you collect the seed at the end of the year for planting next year.
Impatiens produces seeds in little pods that "pop" and eject the seeds when they are mature, so to collect them efficiently you'll need to tie little cloth bags over each seedpod (or over the whole plant) and remove them once the seedpod naturally releases the seeds. Make sure the seeds are dry, then store them in a tight-lidded glass jar in the fridge.
Here's how to grow the seeds the next spring: