Q.How Do You Help A Leyland Cypress Tree That Is Yellowing?
My Leyland Cypress trees have yellowing branches from the inside out. We had these trees planted by the store nursery last June. We bought them at al larger height for privacy (9ft.) and to block the wind that cuts across our open yard. We did water them a lot when they were first planted and they were doing well. Did well throughout the winter too. There was a dry spell for a few weeks. We were away and did not water them. A month ago the fellow from the nursery came and put fertilizer around the trees and we were diligent about watering them to help the fertilizer. After that we saw the trees start yellowing from the inside branches. We have tried to keep watering them as the man had suggested. Some of the trees are doing a bit better but still see yellowing. My husband thinks there is a fungus but the nursery person doesn’t think so. I feel the soil has too much clay in it and after all that watering that we did may have causes root rot? We don’t know how to help our trees. Can you provide some insight on this?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It could be too much or too little watering. When the tree is established, water away from the trunk, where the roots are.
You also may want to take a soil test to see if anything is amiss with nutrients. You did day the nursery just fertilized, so it could be too much fertilizer.
You can get more details about soil testing in your area from your local extension service. Here's a link for that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search