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Creeping Myrtle

Q.How Do You Get Rid of Creeping Periwinkle?

Zone 3 | gravelGert1e added on September 8, 2011 | Answered

I planted this to fill in around Prince of Wales juniper ground cover. Now I want to be rid of the periwinkle and NOTHING will kill it! It’s taking over! HELP!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 10, 2011

The best way to get rid of it is to hand pull as much of it as you can, making sure to remove as much of the roots as you can. Once this is done, then you can treat the area with an herbicide (though be careful not to get it on any plants you want to keep).

After you treat the area with an herbicide, lay down newspaper over the area that is as least 6 pages thick (more if you can) and then lay down mulch that is at least 3" thick. This should suppress anything that remains.

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