Q.How Do You Get a Virgina Creeper Vine Started?
HOW do you start Virgina Creeper? Do you root the stalk? Do the berries have seeds? Do up you use the little brown pods that resemble wild rice? These look hollow as though only the husk is remaining. Would you germinate or plant a seedling? How do you get this started? PLEASE help. Thanks Much Bev

Propagating a Virginia Creeper is very easy; simply allowing a cane to lay on the ground in soft soil will allow it to root at every node. If you want it to root faster, bury part of the cane. When there is a good sized root ball under the vine- it doesn’t take long, maybe a month- you can cut the cane from the mother plant, dig up the roots and transplant it. If you don’t have time to wait for a cane to root on the spot, you can cut a section of the cane that is soft wood or semi-hardwood (still green and flexible, not with bark that has turned brown and is stiff) and bury several of the nodes under soil in a pot or where you want the plant to grow. Keep it moist. More than half of cuttings taken this way root quickly. It also drops seeds and starts young plants under itself that are easily dug up; look around the base of a mature plant and you’re apt to find a couple. And then stand back- this plant spreads fast!