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Royal Empress Trees

Q.How Do You Get A Royal Empress Nordmax 21 That Blooms Purple Flowers And Not White Or Pink

Zone San Miguel, CA zzone 8b | sicilianmissy6583 added on September 24, 2022 | Answered

I am trying to do landscaping of trees on my property and I have chosen one of them to be the Nordmax 21 Royal Empress. However, I see various images of them online all over and many sites that show it with Whitish/pink blooms and others with a deep or light purple bloom. The purple would work best in the landscape design. I am not sure how to ‘ensure’ I get that variety/cultivar and am looking desperately for some guidance on what to ask for when I go to order. Thank you so much! Spending so much time on this one issue it is driving me to massive anxiety! lol! Blessings, Dena Price

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 26, 2022

I would, actually, do what you have just done, here! In fact, I have done this before, myself. I think that what you have asked, here, would either get a yes or no response on if they have what you are looking for, or not. If not, then you can move on to another provider. I doubt anyone would think anything of it to request something specific.

I would start, locally, and move outward if you don't find what you are looking for.

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