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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How do you eliminate Stinkhorns in flower beds

Zone New Jersey...USA | lima1 added on November 9, 2011 | Answered

Just this past year we have been overwhelmed with Stinkhorns (Linnaeus ie: Phallus) in all of our flower beds. Is there a treatment or fungicide that will eliminate this pesty mushroom, without removing all the mulch from the flowerbeds?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 14, 2011

A general fungicide will help to eliminate this mushroom. You can treat the mulch with a fungicide and that should help but you will need several treatments. Before treating, make sure to remove any existing stinkhorns from the flower bed.

You may also want to look at changing your watering routine. Either try watering during warmer parts of the day or try spacing out your waterings more. This will help to allow the mulch to dry out a bit more near the surface and will make your mulch a less hospitable place for mushrooms to grow.

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