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Monkey Grass

Q.how do you dig up and transport and replant monkey grass?

debwvgirl added on May 27, 2012 | Answered

We have monkey grass in our bottom and want to dig it up successfully and replant in other areas.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 28, 2012

As long as you provide them with adequate water while they are establishing themselves, you can do this now. It also helps to make certain that all the roots are included when lifting and sometimes pruning them back will help alleviate transplant shock as well.

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Answered on May 28, 2012

Hi deb, amazed at the price of monkey grass?? Thats beside the point. I had a small garden with a monkey grass border about 20 years ago and stii around the yard I'll find a sprig or two.Last year I saw 2 single sprigs dug each up and potted them in a little potting soil in 4 inch pots. Last week I put them in ground. The pots were packed. But you have it easy!! Before mid summer dig it up to transplant to it's already prepped home. Make sure you get all of the root.(undamaged). Plant it, Keep it moist. And keep any grass that will try to compete pulled out. Thats it. I think if you look around this site you will find an answer more professional, But it says the same.Just better written. It's easier than pie. Just do it now. JIMT. Mobile

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