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Roma Tomato Plants

Q.How Do You Cure Tomato Bottom Rot on Roma Tomato

Zone pennsylvania | nkimberling added on July 24, 2011 | Answered

We have six roma tomato plants and every tomato has bottom rot. Other varieties of tomatoes do not seem to have this. They are watered everyday and have good drainage. What caused this and how do we stop it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 25, 2011

This is fairly common and comes from a lack of calcium in the soil. Remove and discard the damaged fruit. I also use a spray of espom salts and water (1 teaspoon epsom salts to 1 quart of warm water and mix throughly) Soak the plants and the soil. The magnesium in the salts, helps the plant set fruit and it also helps the plant absorb additional calcium. Since those 2 minerals usually work in concert with each other.

This article should help also:


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