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Q.how do you cultivate shallot top sets?

Zone seguin, TX 78155 zone 8b | howittdale added on April 23, 2019 | Answered

Due to unusual spring weather this year my shallots sprouted top sets. They have affected the development of the bulb dramatically. I have never seen this happen before. Their appearance has affected the development of the bulb. Should I break off the scape when the set appears? Should I let them develop and possibly plant them? Are they edible? Do they make viable sets for next season planting?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 23, 2019

It is likely due to due to cold or other stress. Being biannual, a cold spell fools the bulb into thinking it's been winter and then, when the weather turns warm, they produce a flower. You can try removing the flower and then as the stem dries, lift these bulbs; though small, they are certainly edible.
Replanting these is not likely viable.

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