Q.How do i winterize my purple leaf banana tree? They are planted outside by our pool and we want to save them for next year
What do we need to do to bring them in out of the weather ?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Since you have a variety that is well suited for container, I would recommend growing these in large containers. The only way to winter these in your area will be to bring them inside.
You will want to dig these up when then start to die back, and put them in container to bring into your house. When the weather warms back up, you can put them out again. Otherwise, you will be replanting each year. There will be no way to get the roots to survive outdoors in your area. Only hardy banana species will be able to survive there.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/banana/banana-plants-in-winter.htm