Q.How Do I Treat Rose Plant Pest?
stems and base of long stem rose plants have thick, white material covering many of stems and base of roses, and leaves of same rose plant and another 3 rose plants have crinkled and yellow/brown discoloration on leaves. I do not see actual insects, like aphids on the plants. Please help. thank you very much.
It sounds like you have a Powdery Mildew problem and perhaps another mildew problem. I recommend spraying them with a fungicide labeled to get rid or Powdery Mildew and other fungus. I use a fungicide called Green Cure mixed and applied at the Cure Rate. You can also get a fungicide called Mil-Stop that is the same as green cure, both on Amazon.com or at this site: http://www.biconet.com/disease/greenCure.html Spray the rosebushes with this spray every 5 to 7 days for 4 to 5 spray times. Then can go to 14 to 17 days.