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Geranium Plants

Q.How Do I Treat My Geranium Plant That Is Growing Holes?

Zone Brooklyn, NY | Anonymous added on October 30, 2024 | Answered

My geranium plant has keeps growing holes! I’ve been spraying neem oil on it thinking it is a pest problem but it is not going away and the holes keep spreading. Is this contagious to other plants? How do I stop the spread to other parts of the plant that haven’t been infected yet? Should I prune this part of the plant away and starting from where?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 31, 2024

It looks like leaf miners on the leaves with zigzags. They are hard to treat because the "miner" is inside the leaf. Go ahead and pinch off the leaves where the leaf stem meets the main stem. It also looks like you have caterpillars or grasshoppers feeding on the leaves. Check the plants carefully for a pest that might be munching on the leaves. They may be hiding at the base of the plant. I would move the plant away from your other plants till you find the suspect that is eating. It could even be slugs at night.




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