Q.How do I store an amaryllis bulb that grows in water for the winter?
I have an amaryllis that was given to me at Christmas and came with a kit for planting in water. It was beautiful.. How do I store the blub for next year?

It is difficult to keep amaryllis bulbs when they are grown in water. They just don't receive sufficient nutrients to keep the bulb alive. If your plant just finished blooming and still has leaves, plant it in potting mix and give it abundant light. Roots that are used to water have a hard time transitioning to soil so keep a careful eye on it. If you live where amaryllis are hardy, plant it outside after your frost-free date. If you live in zone 7b or warmer, store the bulb after the leaves have naturally turned yellow and died back.
Storing bulbs: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/amaryllis-hippeastrum/amaryllis-bulb-storage.htm