Q.How Do I Save These Plants?
I put out a few of my tougher seedlings yesterday as we’ve been having some good weather. But I’m not sure if there was wind or a bit of rain last night because when I woke up to check on them this happened(see pictures). Is there any way to fix them? The pictures don’t really show how soft, flat and squishy the stems have gotten. It happened to my beans, some peas, pumpkins and cucumbers.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Although the weather may have knocked them over, it wasn't the cause of the initial problem.
Unfortunately, it looks like they haven't received enough lighting. This will result in elongated stems and, ultimately, this type of damage.
Some of them will recover, naturally. There isn't much you can do to help them once they stretch.
Another thing to consider is that all of these crops will need to be planted, directly, into the spot that they will grow. Transplanting is hard all these types of plants, and will result in stunted growth and production. This is not to say that it can't be done, as it can with great care. It is much more productive to start them outdoors, however.
Here are some articles that will help: