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Hyacinth Plant

Q.how do I save my rose of sharon bush

Zone central Illinois | Anonymous added on April 1, 2016 | Answered

During winter I noticed the plow had pushed the snow very close to the trunk of our rose of sharon bush. I had a conversation with this man and thought the problem was solved. I was wrong. Now about half of the bush is dead. It pulled out of ground. I would really like to save it. Any help would greatly appreciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 4, 2016

I would prune away the dead and damaged branches.
Reducing the shrub by 1/3 will help lessen the stress as it recovers.
Loosen the root ball and reset the plant into the ground if possible.
Tamp down the soil to firm up the planting hole.

Here are some links with care information.



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