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Calathea Plant

Q.How do I save my calathea?

Zone Cheshire | Ailsa Mac added on January 22, 2015 | Answered

I’m new to house plants (or at least this type) and live in the north of England. I rescued the plant because it was dry and needed a bit of TLC. I watered it until the water ran out the holes with tepid tap water and placed it on top of some pebbles in a clay pot. It’s been about 3 feet from a North-facing window and I’ve misted it today. The leaves are developing brown lines, lower and smaller leaves are going brown and despite watering it 3 days ago, the soil is still very moist. Have I possibly overwatered it? I’ve now moved it back to a shadier position to let it dry out. Will this help? I realise that’s 3 questions but I’m stuck 🙂

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 25, 2015

First, if you are using a pebble tray, you do not need to mist. Pebble tray are a healthier way to keep humidity high than misting anyway.

Second, only water when the very top of the soil is dry. It is possible that you may have overwatered and caused root rot. This article will help you with determining that:

Third, you may also have a fungus on the leaves, which can cause the damage you describe. I would recommend treating the plant with a fungicide.

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Answered on January 29, 2015

Try moving the plant to a spot with brighter light, but not direct sun, to help with drying. Calathea are medium to high light plants. You can also set up a small fan to blow gently over the plant. Much of the damage you see could well have been caused by the earlier stress of drying out too much - calathea are generally quite fussy, don't like to recover from stress situations. Be patient, cut off the leaves that are all brown, and if she starts to put out new leaves, you'll know she's on the road to recovery,

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