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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How Do I Repot a Rabbit Foot Fern?

Valerie added on December 2, 2012 | Answered

What do I do with the roots of the rabbits hair fern when I need to repot it? I do not think I can cover them with soil or cut them off, but they seem too brittle to bend.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 4, 2012

Eggplllant123, When I repot a large footed fern, this is what I do:

1. cut all feet that are growing over the edge of the container and set them to the side.
2. Determine of you really want a larger container or more plants. Usually I opt for more plants because there comes a point when a larger container isn't possible, too heavy, or won't fit where you want to put it.
3. If you opt for a larger container, simply repot. Skip next step.
4. If you opt for more plants, saw the plant into quarters and repot, centering the new plant in it's new container.
5. Water.
6. Fill 4-": pots (or Hanging Baskets) with moist potting soil to top of pot, do not pack. Trim feet into sections 3-6" long and fairly straight. Insert cut end about 1/2" into soil, letting the rest of the foot lying on the soil. I usually put 6-8 in a 4" pot and 20-3- in a 10" HB. Water in and place in bright indirect light. If possible, try to increase the humidity by misting or a temporary "greenhouse" made w/ supports (Pencils, dowels, sticks, plastic) to hold a very thin (food wrap, dry cleaner bag) piece of clear plastic above the cuttings. A lot times I experience leaf loss on the cuttings, but new foliage grows back quickly once rooted.

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Answered on December 4, 2012

Thank you again Ann this is very helpful

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Answered on December 4, 2012

Ann thank you for your answer which was most helpful. I did not know this about propagating the rabbits foot fern.

Do yo have any suggestions on what to do with the mother fern that is very well established and needs repotting. It is now in a hanging basket and the roots( rabbits feet) all but cover the bottom of the basket, any suggestions on REPOTTING it at this stage of maturity?

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Answered on December 3, 2012

When I repot a rabbit's foot, I usually cut the rhizomes at the edge of the pot to make new plants. I usually do not plent them in wire baskets because of the difficulty of removing the plant. I also let them get really crowded before trying to repot.

This article has lots of good information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/rabbits-foot-fern/rabbits-foot-fern-care.htm

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