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Q.How Do I Replant Or Can You Regrow A Cut Off Water Plant Which Is Kind Of A Cactus

Zone 91910 | deborahballard04@gmail.com added on October 1, 2021 | Answered

So my neighbor had hired someone and they Richard his garden and now all his plans have been chopped off instead of pulled out or cut or anything or trimmed down I’m trying to help him save them their gigantic water plants that’s what he calls them it’s a cactus how do I regrow it can I just put it in fertilizer what do I do

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 4, 2021

Unfortunately, your photos did not come through, and I am unable to see the exact plant in question. Most plants will have a similar way of rooting. Since this is in water, and is likely not a true cactus, this will make it simple to root, as similar to other plants. this article will help:


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