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Q.How Do I Recover My Dogwood Bushes From Fungus?

Zone 20170 | Anonymous added on October 20, 2023 | Answered

I planted 4 beautiful dogwood bushes last spring, and over the course of the summer they developed black spots in their leaves. Thanks to dr.google I have narrowed it down to probably a fungus. And from what I can gather I should remove the leaves and dispose of them. How can I help these plants recover? What can I treat them with to help them come back strong next spring?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 23, 2023

Yes, cleaning up the fallen leaves is very important. Don't remove all the leaves at once so your leaves can still photosynthesize. In the spring, you can treat the leaves several times with a fungicide to prevent a recurrence. Fungicides work best as a preventative, rather than after the fact. Here is more information:





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