Q.How do I prune or care for Purple Fountain Grass in container?
The grass is beautiful and was planted this past April. It is blooming a tan but is starting to fall over in the pot. I live near Houston, Tx and our temperatures are hitting 100 degrees this week. It is in a large pot with Senorite Rosa Lite, Pentas, Caladiums, and Potato Vines.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You would care for the plant much the same as for those planted in the ground with the exception to watering. Container plants require more watering, especially in higher temps. Additional plantings in the same pot will also be in need of more water since their roots are saharing the same limited space. You should be watering the plant every day, even twice a day when the temps soar above 85 F.
These articles will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/foliage/fountain-grass/fountain-grass-pruning.htm