Q.How do I prune my indoor avocado plant?
I have grown a couple of these in the past and they get real tall and spindly and they end up dying I need someone to tell me how to prune it so I don’t end up losing another one. It seems to be growing very well so far. Any help would be very much appreciated!
I hope you don’t mind that I googled this and got the following answer (see below). Additionally indoor avocado plants need lots of light (again I googled this).
Pruning From Seed Growth
If you grow an avocado plant from seed, the shoot typically grows into a single, spindly stem. When it reaches 6 to 8 inches in height, remove half its height to prompt the plant to branch out. When each new branch reaches 8 inches, pinch off each growing tip to encourage a second round of branching. Continue this process until the plant achieves the desired fullness.