Q.How do I prune a dormant rose bud?
It is the middle of summer, July 15, and I have rose bushes that have bloomed from early June until now. How do I prune the rose bud tip (flower part) that is spent or do I keep it for new growth? There are green buds under the spent flower that I would like to bloom. What should I do to produce new flowers?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Prune off only the spent bloom down to where the green rosebuds are. Once they are finished blooming prune those down to their junction with the cane on Knock Out Roses. For hybrid tea roses, once all blooms are done, prune down to the first 5-leaf junction with the cane. For floribunda and grandiflora rosebushes, prune just the spent blooms (called Deadheading) to the first leaf cluster to the canes where the cane is at least 3/16 inch in diameter if possible. For many shrub roses, prune off the spent blooms down to the first or second leaf cluster junction with the canes.