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Hosta Plant

Q.How do I prevent my hostas from being eaten

Zone 5 | Marlene Stout added on June 2, 2015 | Answered

I have three hosta plants that are planted very close. One of the plants appears to be getting eaten by either rabbits or a deer. They have eaten part of the leaves but also just left some chewed off and laying on the ground. The other two plants seem to be left alone. How can I get whatever it is to leave my plant alone? It is right by my front door.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 3, 2015

I have successfully scared off critters using aluminum pie plate attached to a dowel with a little fishing line. It moves, reflects and will make noise if it is touched. It's a safe, chemical free approach you may want to try.

Here are a couple of articles with more information.



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