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Jade Plants

Q.How Do I Need To Care For My Jade Plant?

Zone 22601 | Anonymous added on January 22, 2022 | Answered

I need your help. My jade plant isnt doing so well. Ever since we moved her to our new apartment, she started drooping, shriveling and dropping leaves.. with the bottom leaves staying squishy and fat. We first put her in a south facing window in November, although realized once she wasn’t doing well (which happened quickly) it may be too cold since she was directly by the window and there was a slight draft. She was receiving 8 hours of indirect sunlight for about 2 months. We’ve now, a few weeks ago, moved her to a different room by a north facing window, that is significantly warmer, and she receives a few hours of direct light, and the rest indirect. I also have my humidifier in this room bc of my current monstera propagation. She seems do be doing better, although shes lost a significant amount of leaves. She is shinier, a deeper green, less plump, and there is new growth, but I can tell she’s weak and if I touch the wrong branch the leaves will break off. Her leaves are curling alot, is that a good sign? Also, as for watering. We may have overwatered her over a week ago bc she was sitting in the water for a day, but now the soil is all dried up. What do you recommend? Some sites say to water only twice per season.. some sites say water when the soil is dry.. We also bought Plant Food at 24-8-16, because one site said to feed Jades 20-10-20 and that’s the closest we found. Should we feed her? We never have before. Thank you!!!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 23, 2022

Your jade has been through a lot! Concerning watering, I have found that, if you're unsure about watering a plant, it's best to let them dry out between waterings.

I don't think your jade appreciates the humidity.Succulents like a warm, dry situation. I would move it back to the south window but keep it away from the drafts and the cold window. You only need to feed when it is actively growing. In the winter most all plants need less water and usually no fertilizer.

Read these care articles and focus on proper watering, well drained soil, and enough light (you might consider a grow light or a fluorescent light). Not enough light can cause drooping, which you mentioned.



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