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Q.How do I know when to transplant my cactus seedlings? See photos

Zone Wauwatosa, WI | Jenfarr14 added on March 4, 2019 | Answered

Please see photos and let me know if/when my seedlings are ready to be transplanted. Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 5, 2019

There are a few different ways of going about this.

You can transplant them now, which will make it easier than when the roots get tangled together, but you may lose more than letting them mature some.

Letting them mature some means that they will likely be tangled together, which will defeat the purpose of cultivating them since it will ultimately take longer to grow and repair damaged root ends.

In my opinion you should go ahead and transplant them out very carefully. They won't want to move much once they get established. You may lose a few, but this will be the idea of planting more than you need.

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Answered on March 18, 2019

Thank you for the info!

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