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Q.How Do I Keep My Sun Goddess Cactus From Getting Too Big?

Zone 89148 | Anonymous added on September 14, 2021 | Answered

My sun goddess was originally just 2 guys. Now there are 7 (2 just starting to grow), and it’s just getting too big. Is it possible to separate some of the cactus out and put them into separate pots? Or do I just have to keep getting a bigger pot? Will it not get bigger if I don’t get a bigger pot?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 28, 2021

Basically, you will need to keep doubling pot size until it stop spreading, unfortunately. If you want to leave it in the container that it is in, then you can remove the pups and place them elsewhere. This will allow you to keep one or a few cacti in the container for several years.

Here is an article that will offer information on the care that they require:


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