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Q.How Do I Help My Succulents?

Zone 06615 | mealiebren added on April 23, 2020 | Answered

My roommate recently revealed that he had a succulent in his room that he had been neglecting for a while. I took it from him and have been trying to work with it but I’m not sure I’m doing well. I repotted it into a bigger pot but they don’t look great. There are two unidentified ones and a type of zebra succulent that I’m afraid is dead. He’s pretty dry but I don’t know when I should just give up on him. He is also lacking many strong roots which concerns me. I just don’t know if I should water more or less or what? (For context I give them a little spritz of water around once a week. Anything helps!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 24, 2020

They are all different species of the same Genus- Haworthia! Though they are succulents, they will thrive with just a little more water than succulents will. This means thoroughly soaking the soil, letting all extra water out of the container, then letting it dry completely before watering again.

Here are a couple of articles that will help:


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