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Redbud Trees

Q.How Do I Help A Ruby Falls Weeping Redbud That Was Damaged?

Zone 61938 | clivesay4 added on July 6, 2021 | Answered

I planted a Ruby Falls Weeping Redbud. Something chewed or snapped the your tree off about 6-8 inches from the ground. This short piece is covered with new growth about 6 in long, all laying on the ground. Will it grow taller on it’s own or can I do something to encourage vertical growth? Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 6, 2021

Likely, a new leader will form. Serious injuries to this type of tree can be a death sentence, though. They are extraordinarily susceptible to disease, and any injury is a vector for contamination.

As of now, all you can do is protect it from happening again.

This article will help to care for the tree:


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