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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How do I heal an over pruned tree/shrub?

Zone Hopatcong, Nj | nettieray added on June 30, 2017 | Answered

Can I bring the shrub back? How?
We just purchased a home with a lot of property. The shrubs in the front were very overgrown. My dear husband pruned them essentially topped them. They have no green left. The look horrible and now i am very concerned they will not survive his treatment of them. Ive uploaded a photo of them before the pruning. I dont know what they are but They are naked now. No leaves at all.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 2, 2017

I cannot determine what shrubs that you have from this image.
Pruning is generally done during dormancy. If they shrubs are now bare, you will need to wait and see and this may be waiting until next spring to see if they grow back. Many shrubs can survive a hard prune.

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